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Dear valued clients, I am Jay Uhm, the CEO of TPC Mechatronics Corp.
Through more than 40 years of steady technological and market development, TPC Mechatronics Corp. has secured its position as the largest Korean manufacturer of pneumatic equipment, a key part of factory automation. Adding the motion control, 3D printing, and collaborative robot businesses over the years, we have created a slogan 'Smart Factory Total Solution' as a business direction since 2016.
Via Smart Factory Total Solutions, we have maximized our customers' productivity in a rapidly changing industrial environment with the start of the 4th industrial revolution. In addition, we started the bio-mechatronics business in 2019 and it combines the bio sector, one of the growth industries in the future, with 3D printing core technology, which has been specialized in TPC. TPC will continue to secure the proprietary biotechnology through strategic partnerships with bio healthcare companies and create new values, such as the low cost/high efficiency/time reduction by utilizing 3D printing technologies. It provides the customers with differentiated solutions and prompt services resulting in continuous customer satisfaction in the end.
Thank you.